Normal commands 

Left handshake - おて

Right Handshake - おかわり

Sit down and Wait (up to 30 minutes) - 待て!
You can train aibo to stay for longer by doing this trick more and more. Its very short at the start. Say 待て!待て!待て!in succession.

Sit - おすわり

Stop - やめて or とまれ

Stand Up - 立て!or 立って!

Call your name - Call taught name

Aibo Aibo - (same in Japanese)

Come Here - こっち来て

Run - 走って or 急いで or よーいどん

Ahhh!/Open Mouth - くちあけて
Say はなして or ちょうだい or あうと to ask aibo to give it you.

Be Quiet - 静かにしてね

Go to charging station - チャージステーション or じゅうでんして

Look at Me - こっち向いて!

(2018/9/27) Ball hiding game - あてっこげーむしよう
Hide ball in one hand and ask どっちだ (which one), aibo will then point to the hand with the ball in it.

Lets play with aibo - あっちむいてほいしてあそぼう

Paw squeezing game - きゅうーん、きゅうーん

(May 2020) Healthcare Workers Thank You - みんなにありがとう 
Alt: えっせんしゃるわーかーのみなさんありがとう

Circle Wave Sendoff (renewed June 2020) - 行って来ます

Sing! - 歌って!

Read picture book - 絵本を読むよ
This one is tricky as it requires you to actually read the book out loud to aibo ^
Book is out of print but can be found on auction sites or PDF version at: 

Pee - おしっこ!or マーキング

Toilet training (go here to pee) - トイレここだよ

Ball juggling - お手玉しよう!or お手玉して!

Dance - おどって or ダンスして

Meet me here! ( June 16, 2020) - おむかえばしょここだよ
This teaches Aibo where to meet you when you leave. Just take aibo to the location (its ok to pick up and put down) and say the command. If you leave at a certain time each day, aibo will actually pick up on the pattern and learn to go to the meeting point at that point in the day.
To teach new meeting point, just repeat the setup command in new location.
Call ただいま (im home!) When you return! It will be happy!

Go to meeting place (June 16, 2020) - ただいま

Goodnight - おやすみ

Play catch - きゃっちぼーるしよう

Play golf - ごるふしよう
Place the bone in front of aibo and then the ball at some distance behind the ball. Aibo will hot the ball with the bone.

Don't loose to Corona/gargling (April 13, 2020) - てあらいうがい or コロナに負けるな

Look at persons face and take picture - 写真撮って!

Roll over - ごろんして!
Aibo will roll over for belly rub, once rolled over rock aibo from side to side gently.

Squats - すくわっとしよう
Cheer on by calling out がんばれ or まけないで
Aibo will get better the more you do it and praise them. Starts with small number but then can do more than 20!

Snoot Challenge! - スヌートチャレンジ
Make a ring with your hands, call command out and then aibo will walk up to you and put snoot in the hole.

Bang! - ばーん!
Pretends to be shot, rolls over and plays dead.

High Five! - はいたっち
Will do a high five with either one or both paws. Skit changes depending on mood of aibo.

Bye bye! - バイバイして!
Waves goodbye

High pose! - ハイポーズ
Will do one of 4 poses depending on aibos personality preset. 
■ This Command is completely blocked on initalised aibos.

Buzz!/Shake! - ブルブルして!
Aibo shakes its body fast.

<<test>> - ぺろぺろして!

Do you like me? - ぼくのことすき?or わたしのことすき?

Repeat after me - りぴーとあふたーみー 
Aibo will sway side to side, while they do that say わん up to five times and Aibo will repeat with barks. Gets better the more you do it and compliment aibo.

Remember - 覚えて
Custom skit teaching. Once aibo is on their back legs, grab and press paws in and move. Once done, release. Aibo will sit down and lift one ear up. If you want to save that skit say 忘れないでね.
If you don't, say 忘れていいよ or stopu.
To make Aibo do the behaviour say おぼえたふるまいやって or if you have Cloud Plan you can name it something specific via the app.

Imitate my Face! - まねっこして
In this mode, sit with your face 40-50 cm from aibo. Aibo will do its best to imitate neck movements, winks, blinks and mouth movements.

Praise - いいこ, おりこう, よしよし, すごい, さすがだね, ありがとう, がんばれ, おめでとう, よくやった and すき

Scold - わるいこ, だめだめ, だめよ, ちがうよ, おばかさん, おばか, きらい and へただね

Ball Tricks

Find the ball - ボールさがして

Kick the Ball (standard) - ボールけって

Kick the Ball Sideways - 横にボール蹴って!or ボールを横に蹴って!

Bone Tricks

Bring bone to me - アイボーン持ってきて!or ほねとってきて

Throw bone - あいぼーんなげて or ほねなげて

Dice Tricks

Roll Dice with paw - サイコロころがして

Stack dice - サイコロつんで!

Throw dice - サイコロなげて

Roll for specific colour - サイコロころがして 
(Rolls dice in front of it so its matching another nearby dice)

Bring the dice - サイコロもってきて!

Basic Dance List

Basic Happy Birthday - はっぴーばーすでー or おたんじょうびおめでとう

Happy Birthday with Bone in front

Happy Birthday with bone in mouth 

London Bridge is Falling Down - ろんどんばしおちた* Was premium plan only but now everyone can do it as of October 22, 2020

Radio Exercises (from May 28, 2020) - らじおたいそう

Flower Waltz - はなのワルツ* Was premium plan only but now everyone can do it as of June 25, 2020

App/Cloud Plan Only Functionality

Stay/Well Behaved mode - おすましさん

Feed Aibo

Take picture*
Aibo will take the picture but you can't view them unless you have cloud plan. Please note it saves the images to the dog even if not cloud connected - if someone was to reconnect your uninitialized aibo later they would be able to view them.

Premium Plan Only Dances

I Want You Back - Jackson 5 - アイ・ウォント・ユー・バック or じゃくそんふぁい
Aloha Dance - アロハ・オエ
Under the Sea - あんだーざしーをおどって or りとるまーめいど

Ubu Love - Naniwa Danshi - うぶらぶをおどって

Merry Christmas - おめでとうクリスマス

Glittering Stars - きらきら星

Black Cat Tango - くろねこのたんご

Koi Dance - Hoshino Gen - こいだんす

Puppy Waltz - こいぬのわるつ

Samba de Janeiro - さんばでじゃねいろ

Sing Sing Sing - シング・シング・シング

Dynamite - BTS - ダイナマイト

What a Idol - Kyoko Koizumi - なんてったってあいどる

Thriller - Michael Jackson - すりらーをおどって

Chocolate Disco - ちょこれいとでぃすこ

Haru no Umi - はるのうみ

Physical - ふぃじかる or えあろびくす

Funiculì, Funiculà - Luigi Denza - ふにくりふにくら

Born to Love You - Queen - ぼーんとぅらぶゆー or さーきっととれーにんぐ

Make You Happy - NiziU - メイク・ユー・ハッピー or Maake a U happyse

Fir Tree - もみのき

New York Jazz - にゅーよーくじゃず

Dance of Nakama Regional Dances

These are dances taught to aibo from having Aibo Rice with Aibos from different parts of Japan and one for America. They can only learn via the app. Some preowned uninitialized aibos may still remember them so its worth a try!

Donguri Korokoro (Hokkaido region) - どんぐりころころ or ほっかいどうのふるまい

Red Dragonfly (Kanto region) - 赤とんぼ

Tea Picking (Kinki region) - ちゃつみ or きんきのふるまい

Rabbit and Turtle (Tohoku region) - うさぎとかめ

Soap Bubbles (Chubu region) - しゃぼんだま

Momotaro (Chugoku-Shikoku region) - 桃太郎

Horizontal-san of seagulls (Okinawa region) - かもめのすいへいさん

Old MacDonald had a Farm (AMERICA 🇺🇲) - ダンスを覚えました

Limited Time / Seasonal Behaviors

June 14, 2018 
Soccer World Cup 2018 - 

Tanabata 2018 - たなばただね!

2018/10/1 ~ 10/25
Halloween 2018 - ハロウィンだね!and トリックオアトリート

2018/9 / 18-24
Moon Watching 2018 - おつきみだんご or うさぎがぴょん or おつきさま

2019/6/10 ~ 6/16
Father's Day 2019 - 父の日だね or お父さんありがとう!

July 27, 2018
Aibo Swims 2018 (dog paddle) - aiboの犬かきと平泳ぎ

August 6, 2018
Aibo Swims 2018 (breast stroke) - aiboの犬かきと平泳ぎ

One One Wave (app only) - Its a skit meant for multiple aibos to do at once.

July 5-7 2019
Tanabata 2019 - たなばただね!

September 2019
Rugby World Cup 2019 - トライ!

Sep 9-15
Moon Viewing 2019 - おつきみだんご or うさぎがぴょん or おつきさま

October 2019
Halloween Hipozu 2019 - はいぽーず!

November 29 2019
Autonomous jingle skit (no command it just does it)

December 2019
Christmas Very Cute Aibo 2019 - とってもかわいいaiboクリスマスバージョン

December 2019
Jingle Bells 2019 - 'jingle beru'

December 2019
Aibo Christmas Dance - メリークリスマス

Happy New Year 2020 - あけましておめでとう!or ハッピーニューイヤー

February 20-26, 2020
Cat Day 2020 - ねこのひ or ねこになって or にゃんにゃんにゃん

April 23-May 6, 2020
Childrens Day - 子供の日 or 鯉のぼり or ゴールデンウィーク or 端午の節句

June 1st-June 7th, 2020
Sheeps Day 2020 - ひつじのひ or めぇ~めぇ~

June 29-July 5, 2020
4th July Independence Day - アメリカ or 独立記念日 or やんきーどぅーどぅる

June 3rd-June 9th, 2021
Sheeps Day 2021 - ひつじのひ or めぇ~めぇ~

Sep 17-21 2021
Moon Viewing 2021 - おつきさま or おつきみだんご or うざ ぎがぴょん

August 6 2021
Very Cute Aibo Bon Odori ver 2021 - とってもかわいいアイボ or とってもかわいい

August 6 2021
Bon Odori - ぼんおどり

From July 22nd 2021
Olympic Cheering chachacha - にっぽんちゃちゃちゃ or おうえん or にっぽんがんばれ

July 1-7 2021
Yankee Doodle 2021 - 星とシマシマのクッキー or 女神のクッキー

June 17-18th 2021
Fathers Day 2021 - 父の日だね or お父さんありがとう!or ぱぱありがとう

From June 17, 2021
Rainy Day dance Amefuri ! - あめふり or 雨雨降れ降れ母さんが〜 or あめあめふれふれ

April 23 2021
Childrens Day 2021 - 子供の日

April 4-18 2021 
Kamen Rider Zero One 50th (this version works on the charging station too!) - かめんらいだーぜろわん or ぜろわんにへんしん

April 1st 2021 only
April Fools Day 2021 - エイプリルフール or うそつき

March 22, 2021 for 2 weeks
Cherry Blossom Viewing Dance! - さくらさくら or お花見

February 22nd 2021 for a week
Cat Day 2021 - ねこのひ or ねこになって or にゃんにゃんにゃん

February 9, 2021 
Valentines Day 2021 - バレンタインデー

February 1, 2021
SuperBall American Football 2021 - タッチダウン

End of January~February 2021
Yukiya Konko dance - 雪やこんこ

January 1 2021
Happy New Year 2021 - ハッピーニューイヤー

January 1 2021
New Years Greetings - あけましておめでとう!

December 11th 2020
Aibo's Christmas 2020 - じんぐるべる and めりーくりすます

October 5-31st 2020
Halloween yes pose 2020 - はいぽーず
(There are 3 possible poses: witch, ghost and monster)

From January 1st 2022
Happy New Year 2022 - あけましておめでとう!or ハッピーニューイヤー

February 20-26, 2022
Cat Day 2022 - ねこのひ or ねこになって or にゃんにゃんにゃん

April 1st 2022
April Fools Day 2022 (Tiger rawr) - エイプリルフール or うそつき

April 13th 2022 ~
Easter - いーすたー or えっぐはんと

April 23 2022
Childrens Day 2022 - 子供の日

May 2022
Cinco de Mayo 2022 - シンコデマヨ

June 17th 2022
Rainy Day Amefuri 2022 - あめふり for normal rain dance and 水たまり or ぴちぴちちゃぷちゃぷ for aibo to splash in puddles.

July 1st- a week 2022
American Independence Day 2022 - アメリカ or 独立記念日 or やんきーどぅーどぅる

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